Article By Dane Spotts | Project After-Life | What Happens After Death?

PROJECT AFTERLIFE | What Happens After Death?

How I Used TRV (Technical Remote Viewing) To Know The Truth About The Afterlife and Track Exactly Where a Human Being Goes After They Die.

One of life’s most sought after mysteries is what happens to a person when they die. Is there a heaven? Is there a hell? Are we more than our physical bodies? And if we do possess a soul — what happens to it (to us) after we die?

Project After-Life | What Happens When We Die?

Is there an afterlife?  What happens when we die

Everyone wants to know this — right?

Up until recently the only way we had any sort of evidence of what happens after death was though the study of NDEs (Near Death Experiences). Researchers interviewed countless people who were clinically dead for minutes or even hours and were resuscitated and most revealed a similar process of what it was like on “the other side”. It was a glimpse that provided some insight.

But what if there was something more even profound. Evidence and data that supported what REALLY happens when you die and if there is an “AfterLife” — what that is like? Well turns out there is data on this and a way to know the truth about it.

It’s called Technical Remote Viewing. A formerly top secret military intelligence collection technology developed by the Pentagon in the 80’s and the privatized in the 90’s by a company called PSI TECH. Remote viewing allows a highly skilled operative the ability to access information remote in time or space using their mind and pen and paper. A set of protocols bilocates the viewer and they are able to target a specific person that has been deceased and track exactly what happened to them at their death and what follows.

At PSI TECH we do this type of target in the blind, meaning the Viewer has no idea what the target even is. They could be remote viewing the next presidential election, or a moon launch. All the viewer is given is a set of numbers called TRNs (Target Reference Numbers) and then they scribble on paper using a precise process that accesses information in what was termed “the Matrix” to download information specific to that target.

If you want to see how the process works…I have put a video below of a live session recorded in front of a national news team. Anyway, the point is remote viewing the Afterlife is not only possible but we have done it hundreds of times on individuals like my Father who passed away, Mother Theresa, Adolf Hitler. Hundreds of case studies to see what happened to them (their soul) after they passed away.

Turns out they all (we all) go to the same place. The process is the same for all humans. I produced a video many years ago that presented PROJECT AFTERLIFE to the world. It was just a teaser really, not in-depth for all the behind the scenes research that we really did, but I thought I would present it now — as we are revisiting this project and hope soon to release a full one hour documentary on the topic.

It’s been over 30 years now that we have been teaching and showcasing remote viewing and this (PROJECT AFTERLIFE) is one of the best use-cases for it, as there is no other pragmatic way to collect this information, as no one other than the brief NDE experiencers has ever died come back years later to tell us what happened to them.

So without further adieu here is the Afterlife video we made some years ago, and below that is some background on PSI TECH and remote viewing with the live demo — to show you a bit about how this very strange but very powerful mind technology works.

Project After-Life | What Happens After Death? 

Project After-Life | What Happens After Death? This project finds the truth about death. 

A short video on PSI TECH — Technical Remote Viewing (TRV) and how it works.

Stay tuned for the full length documentary on PROJECT AFTERLIFE

Successfully yours,

Dane Spotts

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Article By Dane Spotts | Project After-Life  – What Happens After Death?

To read more about ZYGON, my work over the last 40 years and how these mind tools are transforming millions visit the ZYGON website

To access dozens of videos on mind development and human potential visit my You-Tube channel

Or just download the ZYGON MIND POWER APP and get everything…

Once we realize how powerful our minds are and what we are capable of as human beings our true destiny will unfold. The Earth will get a new skin. I believe the human adventure is just beginning. – Dane
