Article By Dane Spotts | Law of Attraction – Complete Course



EPISODE 1 : The Universe is Consciousness

The Law of Attraction – Complete Course.  Using the law of attraction with the Zygon Visioneering protocol you can create the reality you want to experience, however there is one small catch.

Using the technique which only takes minutes will not be as effective if you can’t program your mind to see it…and your inner mind is not properly aligned to your goal… you will never achieve it. I will give you some tools to deal with this problem at the end of this piece that you can add to your Visioneering work and will solve that issue.

So lets get on with it.

In the Law of Attraction series, (which I am giving away free), I will go over every aspect of how you can leverage the universal Law of Attraction to create the future you want. Whether that involves attracting money, better health, success in your career or your relationships. In our daily lives we don’t realize the hidden powers of mind we all possess and how it — more than any other factor in life — affects the reality we experience.

Sounds like science fiction, or a magical fantasy novel doesn’t it? That your mind possesses such a great power that though thought…you can influence matter and the reality you experience. A power to literally bring about circumstances that YOU attract to you, based on how you are wired and what you think about. And there is a way to actually amplify this power, this ability to attract circumstances — both negative and positive. And that is what this series is about.

Before I get into the specific processes involved and reveal to you the Zygon Visioneering protocol I developed more than 30 years ago… the first step is understanding exactly how this is all possible, how the universe works, and how your mind — which is connected to that universe and operates like a node on this gigantic cloud computer network — allows you this ability.

Here is some background on all that — and the statement that I am about to make, may shock you.

The Universe is Consciousness

Consciousness permeates every molecule, every atom every bit of energy and matter are organized around consciousness. The universe is in fact a giant mind. Think about that for a second. Our experiences on planet earth with its millions of species from the level of micro-organisms up though the animal and plant kingdoms, to human beings — all of it — all these life-forms exist to evolve and become more complex, and in their evolutionary process — they expand consciousness. They are part of the universe’s creation matrix — that is hardwired into the system. This matrix of Life exists everywhere…not just on earth and our little solar system, but the billions and billions of planetary systems throughout all of existence.

In my audio book, the Way of the Mind Warrior, I go into great depth about how connected everything is and there exists is this natural evolutionary pattern (a meta program so to speak) within the universe that drives life on earth and everywhere to organize itself into more complex forms for the purpose of evolution and adding its experience and consciousness into the universes matrix. The universe operates a gigantic information field — with consciousness at the core — the engine that drives it. There is a lot to all this and it’s a fascinating topic with amazing implications. For our purposes here — to understand the Law of Attraction, we simply need to know this… the organizing principle of the universe is consciousness — and we humans are just evolving to a level now where we are beginning to understand what this is — and what it means, as well as being to tap into it.

So what does the universe — being comprised and organized of consciousness have to do with the law of attraction? As I alluded to earlier — Mind is the engine that runs everything. And the more evolved the mind is and the more in tune with this quantum matrix of how its all operates, one is able to recognize an influencing effect, that thoughts and intentions have on our experiences. And you — right this moment, perhaps with out even realizing it, are attracting the circumstances that will occur in the future — setting yourself up for both the perceptional and actual events — that happen to you.

The Law of Attraction is a simplified label — for trying to understand a very complex system, that is at the core of an incredibly powerful reality creation machine. Your mind. It is like having a remote control almost — that is attached to the universal mind that operates the universe — this huge matrix powered by consciousness itself.

Unfortunately we humans are not born with a operating manual or user’s guide. In fact it took you as long as you are alive now — to build the you — that is YOU today…out of trillions of experiences and feedback — (both negative and positive) from your time on earth .

But what if you suddenly were given an operating manual and — a remote control that you can now use to dial in the reality you want to enjoy. It’s not quite — as simple as that, but that’s essentially what we are going to learn how to do in this series.

Create a tool for operating your mind that is aligned with this universal law — THE LAW OF ATTRACTION — and work with it, never against it to make your life into a series of positive experience — using your reality creation machine — that you will learn to operate much like the remote control on your TV set.

Fantasy? magical thinking? It’s all for real and I will prove it to you with an experiment you can conduct and see and experience first-hand and give you all the tools you need to make the Law of Attraction work in your life. But first there is something really important that you must master to make all of this work for you.

And it’s the subject of Episode 2 called — THE SELF SABOTAGING MIND. Where we are going to get into a discussion about why and how — we set our selves up to fail, and how to stop the damage in your life — by rewiring how you think and see yourself. This is what I alluded to at the beginning of this report. Let me repeat what I said earlier about it, as it is extremely important you understand this idea.

If you can’t program your mind to see it…and your inner mind is not properly aligned to your goal… you will never achieve it.

And to top it off, you will sabotage your goals on an unconscious level without even realizing it. Master this one thing, the self-sabotaging mind… and the Visioneering process and leveraging the Law of Attraction just became a 1000 times easier.

To begin the course just click on the video below. Each episode will lead to the next one, until you have completed all 5 of the series. Like all things you want to master, you may need to review them all over and over again until you are practicing Visioneering like a master.

Start With Episode 1

Drop me a line and let me know how you are doing with this.

Successfully yours,

Dane Spotts

To read more about ZYGON, my work over the last 40 years and how these mind tools are transforming millions visit the ZYGON website

To access dozens of videos on mind development and human potential visit my You-Tube channel

Or just download the ZYGON MIND POWER APP and get everything…

Get More Mind Tools Here… The App is FREE

Article By Dane Spotts | Law of Attraction – Complete Course 

To read more about ZYGON, my work over the last 40 years and how these mind tools are transforming millions visit the ZYGON website

To access dozens of videos on mind development and human potential visit my You-Tube channel

Or just download the ZYGON MIND POWER APP and get everything…

Once we realize how powerful our minds are and what we are capable of as human beings our true destiny will unfold. The Earth will get a new skin. I believe the human adventure is just beginning. – Dane
