I'm Dane Spotts, My Mission is...

Empowering You To Achieve Your Full Potential As a Human Being.

There is a power that lie’s dormant within each of us. A power that once awakened will allow you to achieve your dreams and succeed in life beyond your wildest dreams. 

All of us possess super-powers that lie dormant deep within  – and once awakened will not only make life better but allow us to live our full potential and fulfill our human legacy. This is the path of a human being. Discover how you can do that and more. Empowering people to achieve their full potential is what we are all about”  – Dane Spotts


Dane & Jeanne are both dedicated to empowering you to achieve your full potential
Dane & Jeanne are dedicated to empowering you to achieve your full potential

We live on an amazing planet. So much life. So many possibilities for learning and evolving. It truly is a garden of Eden with an open matrix for creation.

My personal mission or “life quest” as I call it… is to uncover optimum tools for personal evolution and mind development. I started my quest some 40 years ago inventing mind technologies for altering mind states, accelerating learning and changing the way we see our personal reality by re-scripting our core beliefs. A new mind (I discovered) really does allow one to experience a new world.

This led me in the year 2000 to the acquisition of a formally top secret mind technology developed by the Pentagon known as Technical Remote Viewing (TRV). We teach it, and use its advanced applications for developing other exotic technologies, as well as tapping into future trajectories. Some pretty amazing things have emerged from this project even though we are still in the embryonic stages of what will become a revolution in the understanding of our mind’s true potential.

My primary interest in all this, is the evolution of consciousness and seeing how far we can develop as a species. Though we face challenges, I believe the human adventure is just beginning. 

It’s up to each of us to continue pioneering, and offering our unique individual skills to craft the best of all possible world’s for our children and our children’s children.

Will you join me on the “quest” ?

Visit me at ZYGON and download the new Zygon app. We relaunched all the Zygon programs and are adding new content and new devices on the Zygon app every week. 

The adventure continues…. 

Empowering People To Achieve Their Full Potential.
